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Below is a snapshot (Slideshow) of miscellaneous [typical] items available from Amazon Music -- Classical, Jazz, Sole, Blues, Pop, Rock and suchlike. Please visit Amazon Slideshows for the Slideshows of INDIVIDUAL Amazon Departments -- online window-shopping or Bargain Hunting at its best with no Legwork on your part. Click on the Banner immediately below the Slideshow to visit Amazon Music, SHOP now and SAVE! In the alternative, if an item (product) on the Slideshow happens to interest you, simply click on it to MAKE a PURCHASE. Please NOTE that moving the Cursor to the top of the Slideshow will produce ARROWS that will enable you to move the Slideshow back and forth when searching for an item to BUY. ENJOY!.
This Slideshow is UPDATED regularly in order to bring you the latest from the Amazon Music STORE [IDEAL for ALL your (Christmas) shopping and MORE]; so please BOOKMARK and VISIT this Page often. ENJOY!.
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Keywords and Phrases
Music has been a part of EXISTENCE since TIME immemorial, classical music, ----- music is in rhythms of NATURE and chatter of animals and birds, ----- music is the babbling of babies and dancing of brooks, sweet tunes, [---- Music seems ingrained in our genetics, tunes are rhythms integral-to our lives. ----- Music plays many ROLES in our lives, research, Rockefeller Foundation study -----CHILDREN learning music tend to become doctors or engineers and computer professionals, ----- Music learning develops areas of the brain responsible for language and reasoning, ----- Music sharpens memory, origins of music go back at least 50,000 years. ----- Music seems ingrained in our genetics, tunes are rhythms integral to our-lives, ----- babies in the WOMB listening to music are born with highly-developed INTELLIGENCE, ----- Music MOULDS people, Music teaches coordination and teamwork plus discipline and self-expression, ----- music has THERAPEUTIC values, music cures mental problems, music heals brain trauma, ----- music heals developmental and learning disabilities, music heals Alzheimer's disease, music cures, ----- music cures HYPERTENSION, PLANTS respond to music and move towards its source, ----- music heals as recorded in the works of Aristotle and Plato, ----- CHILDREN growing up in a music-filled environment become happy, fulfilled, and joyous, ----- Music takes the devout closer to God, congregational singing has always worked, ----- Singing hymns lifts any heaviness from the mind and frees the soul, ----- Music’s MEDITATIVE properties can be used for healing, exercising and training modules, ----- people FUNCTION better when music is playing, -----People ENJOY work or activities like cooking-and-/cleaning when music is playing, ----- Music ERASES tensions and lifts weights off-the-shoulder and introduces LIGHTNESS into the-body,----- Music reflects the CULTURE of a society and strengthens bonds, -----ROMANCE and LOVE PROSPER WITH MUSIC, Shakespeare (Old Shake in persian), ----- SCIENTISTS use music to map behaviours and unravel the mysteries of the-human-mind-and-consciousness, ----- Music settles down ANGER and RESENTMENT and helps overcome feelings of SORROW-and-LOSS, ----- music lifts the mind and spirit out of despair and gives HOPE. ----- music is used to call armies to WAR and instigate RAW EMOTIONS, ----- Classical Music SOOTHES and opens up channels in the mind, mind, ----- rock music sets pulses racing while chants sends you into a trance. -----Music used differently has varied effects on human beings. ----- Music can be a PANACEA or HELL depending on how it’s USED, ----- Amazon Music provides 4.5-million items covering Classical, Jazz, Sole, Blues, Pop, Rock, ----- Amazon Music items carry 5-Star Reviews also available on MP3-Download or CD, -----Amazon is a MUST-visit (EXCITING-destination) when looking for ANY kind of MUSIC, ----- Search Widgets at or help find WHAT you WANT EXACTLY, ----- THE Best-Buy Online-STORE and Best-Buy from Amazon-&-More are reliable Online-Stores for Shopping ,-----typical Search-Widget for as THE-ANSWER-to-ALL-your-Shopping-NEEDS in terms of Goods/Products and Services
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