Sunday, 23 July 2017

What Men Secretly Want !?!

What Men Secretly Want, BUT never DARE ask

Oh ye WISE and INTELLIGENT Ladies, whether you're in a Relationship or seeking one, here’s a GOLDEN opportunity to learn HOW to READ any man’s MIND, and thus TRANSFORM your Life and Relationships. Can you REALLY afford to overlook this?! Can you REALLY miss out on learning what the Respect Principle is, and HOW it can transform your Relationships -- and hence your Life -- practically overnight?!

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What IF you knew what men secretly wanted, but they could never tell you? Right here and now? The surprising reason men are not committing to you(!?!); and EXACTLY what to say to get them to commit(?!); and say “YES” now!!  If you’ve truly ever wanted to know how to understand a man, then this is the most important Video you will ever watch.

You will discover a secret ‘loophole’ in the Male Mind that will allow you to truly connect with any man, and get him to connect to you for good . 

You will also learn about a SIMPLE shift you can make to see the world through a different lens.  A lens that will reveal what exactly men are thinking; AND what they really want in a woman.
Discover HOW to:

 ·      BECOME more ATTRACTIVE to MEN; 

·      use the POWERFUL Respect Principle, to help in your life;

·      and have incredible Relationships starting TODAY!

Have you:

·      ever had the FEELING that things were going well with your man, but somehow knew that something was wrong, and had a feeling of DREAD that you cannot quite place?  

·      ever tried to have “THE Talk” with your boyfriend to figure out the status of your Relationship, only to have him suddenly go COLD at even the mere MENTION of COMMITMENT? 

·      been in a Relationship with an amazing guy before when he suddenly became DISTANT, and his whole attitude changed; and, before you knew it, he was gone? 

·      ever felt things were going great with a guy (boyfriend/husband), and you wanted to do everything in your power to make sure that the Relationship not only survives, but also it thrives? 

·      ever wondered if he really loves you, or if he’s bored in the Relationship? 

·      just wanted to make a guy see that, inside, you’re the perfect girl for him; and that, together, you would make the PERFECT Couple, and live an amazing life together?
Well, you are definitely NOT alone in these experiences!
Discover a deep-seatedGAP” in communication that few women (or men) understand.
The same Gap has the biggest impact on the success or failure of a Relationship; and, yet, hardly anyone ever talks about it.
The GOOD NEWS is that it is possible to ENJOY  a rare kind of Relationship IF you know HOW to BRIDEGE the Gap; the kind of Relationship that most women simply cannot imagine, a bright and vivid romance that makes life exciting and worth living.
1.    A PRIMAL Driving Force in ALL men that few, if any, are even aware of.

2.    The RESPECT Principle as the biggest KEY for getting ANY man to want  to truly commit to YOU

3.    How understanding the way men actually think -- and the way they experience Relationships -- can make ALL the difference in the world

4.    Whether in the ATTRACTION Phase or much later when “THE Talk of marriage and commitment comes up, misunderstanding this vital Principle is the Root-Cause of many a problem; the GOOD News being that this is not your fault, and there is a clear and effective plan for easily overcoming the problem. The KEY is understanding men on a deep emotional level, and how the SUBTLE things you say to man affect him much more than you think.  When you know how to do this, you’ll be able to deeply connect with a man, and powerfully attract him.

5.    The TRUTH about how men think.  Research on how men think reveals a surprising fact: There is a VAST Divide in the way men and women think.  The specific thing is something that very few women understand, and it’s absolutely critical to truly connecting with  men on a deep emotional level. Something that saturates his mental and emotional experience so much that he would have a hard time explaining it to you, because he doesn’t even realise it’s there.  To put this simply, Men Would Rather Be Respected Than Loved – given a CHOICE.  In other words, men are powerfully attracted to women who trigger feelings of respect and admiration in them – this is THE Key.

6.    How, in a recent Survey, 74% of men said that they would rather be unloved than disrespected.

7.    How understanding the Respect Principle will give you an unfair advantage that steals a man’s attention, and makes you irresistibly attractive to him; with every other woman paling in comparison, with you being the only thing on his mind when he sees you as the one woman that truly gets him.

8.    How, when you have the Respect Principle, you will have the most powerful secret weapon there is for understanding, attracting and committing ANY man!!

9.    How women everywhere can easily overcome THE Gap, and create the LOVE and SECURITY  they’ve always been looking for in a Relationship.
The frustrating SITUATIONS in which The Respect Principle can be applied effectively include:

a.   She is in a great Relationship, but the man suddenly starts to draw AWAY and she doesn’t know WHY and perhaps even feels like it was something she did wrong.

b.   During the ATTRACTION Phase, she always finds herself sabotaging her own DATING Success by saying what she thinks he wants to hear but are really driving them farther apart.

c.   She wants to upgrade their Relationship to MARRIAGE Status, but fails miserable while trying to have “THE Talk”; and, afterwards, things just don’t feel the same anymore.

d.   Even though she feels like he could be the one because he’s a great guy, she just feels like he hasn’t seen “the REAL her,” and wants true Emotional CONNECTION.

The Respect Principle GUIDE has the SECRET POWER to change the lives of thousands of women.  You can now use this powerful GUIDE, and make the SHIFT in thinking that can bring a level of RESPECT, LOVE and SECURITY in YOUR Relationships that you never imagined was possible!

It’s been specifically designed to be something you can use TONIGHT, and  start seeing RESULTS in your man and Relationship immediately .

You will be able to UNDERSTAND any man, know his inner desires; and be able to SAY the EXACT things that will attract him to you on a PRIMAL Level.
If you want to TRIGGER strong FEELINGS of Attraction and Adoration in your man, you will need to know how to get on the same frequency with him.

IMAGINE never having to deal with his SILENT Treatment again – which is really a CODE for “I’m angry, but don’t want to talk about it.”  When you know HOW to read him and know what he’s thinking and feeing, unpleasant situations like the SILENT Treatment will be a thing of the past.
When you apply the Respect Principle, you will have a guy going through the right motions such as:
·      Opening the car-door for you

·      Getting dressed up for nice dates

·      Bringing you breakfast in bed

·      Just going above and beyond, and showing you that he cares

These are the types of things that guys do when they really appreciate you and want you to know that you’re always on their mind.
You will notice these and many other dramatic changes when you start using the Respect Principle.
The Be Irresistible GUIDE to What Men Secretly Want
This is the GUIDE to MALE Mind for ALL Ladies.  A “Bible” for understanding, attracting and committing ANY man.
Here are just a few of the Secrets you will DISCOVER in this powerful GUIDE:

I.     The secrets of connecting with a man on a DEEP and EMOTIONAL Level so that he can meet the REAL you…. (most men are put off by women’s Social Masks, and want nothing more than getting to know what you’re really like).

II.     The critical response you must know if he ever gets quiet, and doesn’t want to talk – most women haven’t got a clue about this, and often do irreversible damage to their Relationships by accident.

III.     Dangerous words and phrases that affect a man much more than you might realise – most women unknowingly do this, and accidentally kill their man’s attraction towards themselves. 

IV.     What NEVER to say to a man if you ever want him to see you long-term Relationship material – unfortunately most women still  don’t UNDERSTAND this.

V.     A SIMPLE mental shift you can make that instantly makes you better girlfriend-material than any girl he knows.

VI.     How being a FRIEND and trying to be helpful to a guy is not necessarily a good way forward when you want to enter into “Girlfriend Territory” – this GUIDE explains WHY so many women accidentally END Relationships this way.

VII.     How to avoid the 2 common mistakes MOST women make like the PLAGUE, if you don’t want to remain single forever.

VIII.     How making yourself sexier in his mind than ANY woman he has ever met by treating him differently than other women he meets, in front of his FRIENDS, IS a COMMON mistake that women make and don’t even know it – how even good girlfriends accidentally drive their men away in this way

IX.     Discover the amazing “Asking for Directions Trick” which will make him long to protect you – this simple secret alone will raise you above any other woman in his eyes

X.     How to build inner confidence which mesmerises men, and establishes a permanent spot in their minds. This is just one of the beneficial “side-effects” that that comes from truly understanding how men think.

XI.     You will also discover what is BETTER than BODY LANGUAGE – trying this Potent Attraction technique tonight only takes 2 minutes, and he won’t even know WHY he is suddenly so drawn to you

XII.     How the Respect Principle can quickly and easily make him intensely desire you; once you master this, it’s possible applications are endless – and it works remarkably well no matter what stage of the Relationship you’re in!!

XIII.     How to speak to a man in a language that touches a primal inner part of his mind; and becomes a constant source of excitement, interest and pursuit for him.
The above-mentioned and much, much MORE are in this empowering GUIDE.
This GUIDE is primarily for THOSE who:
·      Are feeling stuck and unable to connect with a guy; and get him to be devoted to you, open up to you and love you for ever.

·      Are tired of having men become distant, emotionally closed, withdrawn or even disappear with no explanations 

·      Can’t seem to fing the right guy, or keep attracting guys then somehow “messing up  and having to start over again 

·      Refuse to go one more night waiting by the phone wondering if he’s going to text or call you 

·      Feel trying to figure out what a man is thinking and feeling is like trying to solve the Rubix Cube
·      Are afraid of getting hurt again by a man who checks out other women when you’re out , or leaves you…. And ends up committing to, settling down or even marrying some other woman
·      Are still kicking themselves about getting  too intimate with a man – perhaps with more than one man – with him disappearing out of their lives and leaving them afraid of making the same disastrous mistake again

 ·      Want a Relationship in which you are not only cherished, but also constantly thought of, romanced and treated like the beautiful woman that you are
a)  paying hundreds of dollars to hire a Coach to train you one-on-one which may or may not be more effective than trial-and-error;

 b)  hiring a private therapist hoping that they are knowledgeable enough about the KEYS to attracting men – bearing in mind that he is unlikely to have had REAL-LIFE trial-and-Error experiences on which  this GUIDE is based;

You can have the COMPLETE Respect Principle Formula distilled into an easily consumable 31-Page GUIDE that you can download ( in PDF Format) and read this evening, and start to use it just as quickly.

For the Respect Principle to, actually, work for you however, you will need to integrate it into your life and Relationships.  Therefore, an MP3 version has also been created, which is perfect for listening in your Car if you happen to be on the move constantly.  ALL it takes is one LISTEN to this MP3 – which explains the power of this Principle – and you will understand men; and HOW to, irresistibly, attract them like few women ever will.

Also provide is a Bonus Audio which provides the PERFECT answers to common situations with men; which also answers some common questions that arise when you start using the  Respect Principle. Once you have this, you will notice almost miraculous RESULTS with MEN. 

THINK how empowering it would be to know what a guy is thinking in any particular situation(!!); to know exactly WHAT to SAY to SPEAK right to his needs as a man. To have the kinds of exiting and enthusiastic conversations usually only reserved for the best of friends.

IMAGINE getting the kind of powerful Relationship Advice -- that most people would spend an arm and a leg on – for LESS than the price of few trips to Starbucks!! 

Relationships are probably the most important things in our lives; and one can safely submit that they can also be the only SOURCE of TRUE Happiness.  You can use these techniques to gat the kinds of Relationships that you so badly want for yourself.

Indeed, the Respect Principle enables you to join the Be Irresistible Community with it’s most POWERFUL Guide “What Men Secretly Want” for just $47; and what’s more it comes with an Iron-Clad 60 day Money Back Guarantee – thus making it EXCELLENT  Value for MONEY.

Click HERE to download What Men Secretly Want, BUT never DARE ask

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